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Special drills Spot weld miller For removing spot welds from sheet metal. Exchangeable and double-headed milling crown. Adjustable milling depth with setting screw. No tearing of the sheet metal. No deformation of the sheet metal. Efficient and rapid working. Fast Cut Extra stable special drill for hard requirements on hand drills. Good suited for clean and burrfree milling of welding spots and thin-walled work pieces without centering. Extreme high precision. Applicable for sheet steel, sheet brass, sheet aluminium, sheet zinc, sheet copper, plastic sheets. Spotle Drill Special shank for the application in pneumatic machines. For clean and burr-free milling of welding spots and thin-walled work pieces without centering. Extreme high precision.

地址:沈阳市于洪区白山路16号 传真:024-83951288 邮箱:sales@goldruhr.com

版权所有:沈阳鑫溢鲁尔机械设备有限公司 辽ICP备1646131254号 技术支持:凯鸿科技