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The Principle

The Kardex Lektriever system is a high density automated filing unit for efficient storage and retrieval of all forms of hard copy documents and digital media.
Working on the ‘File-to-Person’ principle,the Kardex Lektriever system delivers requested documents to the user at the touch of a button within a few seconds.All user activity is at an ergonomically ideal height for retrieving and referencing information. Filing tasks are easier and faster, improving both response and productivity.
All files are held securely and a combination of logical and physical security devices can be used to guarantee that access is restricted to authorised users only.

地址:沈阳市于洪区白山路16号 传真:024-83951288 邮箱:sales@goldruhr.com

版权所有:沈阳鑫溢鲁尔机械设备有限公司 辽ICP备1646131254号 技术支持:凯鸿科技