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首页 > 产品展示 > ABUS single-girder overhead travelling cranes
ABUS single-girder overhead travelling cranes

ELV: Single-girder overhead travelling crane with rolled section girder
ELK: Single-girder overhead travelling crane with welded box girder
ELS: Single-girder torsion box crane with side-mounted trolley
ZLK: Double-girder overhead travelling crane with 
welded box girder wide range of connection variants for optimum adaptation to local conditions

地址:沈阳市于洪区白山路16号 传真:024-83951288 邮箱:sales@goldruhr.com

版权所有:沈阳鑫溢鲁尔机械设备有限公司 辽ICP备1646131254号 技术支持:凯鸿科技